Aerial Training for Kids & Teens

Stamina & Strength

Dance and movement, combined with controlled exercises where children use both legs and arms to lift themselves, promote stamina and strength.

Motor Development

Pole, hoop, and silk enhance motor skills as children perform exercises that involve being upside down and spinning around. Benefiting balance and motor skills.

Creative Development

By using the body in different and various ways, and by combining different exercises and tricks, we strengthen children's creativity.

Aerial silk træning for børn og teens
Aerial Kids & Teens

Fun and creative movement for Children

At Pole Republic we offer aerial training for kids and teens. On the classes we train a mix of polefitness, aerial hoop and silk. We offer training for three different age groups.  

  • Aerial Kids 7-9 years old
  • Aerial Kids 10-12 years old
  • Aerial Teens 13-15 year old

Polefitness originates from pole dance, but in polefitness, also called sports poledance, the focus is on activating the body, strengthening the balance and motor skills, and playing around with creativity. Aerial Silk and Aerial Hoop is often known from circuses, where acrobats are moving in the air from long tissues and big hoop rings.

Our 2025 season has started and are closed for sign up.

If you want to be notified, when we are starting our fall season in August, sign up below and we will sent you information about the next trial day, when we have set the date. 

Pole Republic

Kids & teens schedule:

Aerial kids 10-12
Aerial hoop, silk and pole
Sold out
Monday 16-17
Aerial kids 7-9
Aerial hoop, silk and pole
Monday 17-18
Aerial kids 7-9
Aerial hoop, silk and pole
Sold out
Wednesday 17-18
Aerial kids 10-12
Aerial hoop, silk and pole
Friday 16-17
Aerial teen
Aerial hoop, silk and pole
Sold out
Friday 17-18
Aerial training for kids and teens

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